> Main / Products / ATC Simulator systems / Complex system simulators for civil aviation / «SINTEZ-TC» COMPLEX SYSTEM SIMULATOR

«Sintez-TC» complex system simulator

Nowadays VNIIRA offers to the civil aviation market a new SINTEZ-TC Complex System simulator in which all recommendations of Eurocontrol are included.



Sintez-TC CSS is intended for training, exercising and refresher training of the controller personnel of aerodrome and regional ATC systems of various level of automation.

The simulator provides training of air traffic control officers at all workstations of the ATC system. The simulator imitates any conflict situations of ATC in the real and fast time scales; it enables the performance of up to 300 flight plans in one exercise and provides the simulation of any weather conditions, season, day and night.

Sintez TC provides

  • opportunity of exercising the group operations of ATC controllers-trainees throughout the ATC process flow from take-off to landing.
  • absence of operational expenses, consumption of aviation fuel, service life of an aircraft and engines
  • reduction of the overall time of controllers training and retraining in exercising new ATC technologies
  • quality of controllers training is adjusted for actual ATC conditions of airport used by Customer
  • control of ATC controllers-trainees actions and the demonstration of the correct actions by instructor.