eng рус

25.04.13 - VNIIRA has won Duke's Choice Awards Russia 2013!

Oracle announced the winners of Duke's Choice Awards Russia 2013 during its JavaOne annual regional conference opening ceremony held in Moscow 23/04/2013. For the first time this prestigious award - a kind of "Oscar" in the world of Java technology – has been granted to VNIIRA for its software solutions being a part of air traffic management automation complex (ATC KSA) in terminal areas and areas with high air traffic intensity "Sintez-KSA ATC".

The awarded software solution is based on NetBeans RCP platform. The modular cross-platform client software has been designed with the use of this platform. Utilizing different sets of modules makes it possible to deploy automated workstations which ensure execution of various tasks: flight management, air traffic controlling, engineering, etc.

"Sintez ATC AS" is one of the key elements of large-scale project on complex equipment of airport "Talakan" in the South West Yakutia, accomplished by "VNIIRA".

Duke's Choice Awards award has been established by Oracle 10 years ago and is actually the most prestigious award in the world of Java-related technologies, which honors the most innovative and "breakthrough" projects. The purpose of these awards is to promote innovative solutions in Java technology and recognize regional software developers.


| más de 65 años de trabajo exitoso a favor de la seguridad del tráfico aéreo;
| 150 muestras de los esquemas radiotécnicos y los complejos de aparatos de radio terrestres y de a bordo;
| 1 300 patentes y certificados de invenciones;
| 60 juegos de sistemas y medios de automatización UVD instalados en los aeropuertos, centros regionales y locales de UVD de Rusia y otros países;
| medios de navegación y aterrizaje instalados en 100 tipos de aviones y helicópteros de fabricación nacional.